“Mark il poliziotto” (Blood, Sweat and Fear) is a 1975 movie directed by Stelvio Massi, the first of a successful trilogy featuring Franco Gasparri as main character in the role of drug squad commissioner Mark; the actor had been borrowed from the world of photonovels, typical Italian photographic stories published on several magazines that saw him as protagonist for several years. The film is one of the most successful examples of the ‘Italo-crime’ genre under many points of view: the plot, the script, the breathtaking chases and shootouts and, last but not least, the soundtrack.
The music for “Mark il poliziotto” was written by Stelvio Cipriani, who had already worked with Massi the previous year for “Squadra volante” (Emergency squad). An extremely prolific composer, he can undoubtedly be placed next to Micalizzi, Bacalov and Morricone for the quantity and especially the quality and importance of his works.
More than many others, this soundtrack is pervaded, in its most energetic tracks, by a strong funky groove that recalls the typical sound of the US ‘blaxploitation’ phenomenon; the classical/orchestral component isn’t present here, in favor of a mix of rock music, wind instruments and keyboards like Hammond and Harpsichord. Everything is, as usual, perfectly balanced with more smooth and reflective tracks such as “Tenerezza”, “Lei e la madre”, “Nella stanza di lei” and “Porte chiuse”.
A great Italian ‘poliziottesco’ classic, originally released in ’75 by Cinevox Record and never reissued on LP to date. This edition, curated by AMS Records, contains a second take of the song “La fine di Cobb” as a bonus track, a front cover faithful to the original one and a completely new artwork that includes extensive liner notes and reproductions of flyers and lobby cards of the film.
Side A:
1.Mark il poliziotto
2.La fine di Cobb
3.Lei e la madre
4.Bambole di droga
5.Kruber il tedesco
7.Nella stanza di lei
Side B:
9.Grattacieli di vetro
12.Porte chiuse
13.Disperazione di Mark
14.Attraverso la frontiera
15.La fine di Cobb (alternate version)