“Between Flesh and Divine” è il secondo album degli Asia Minor, band di culto del panorama progressive rock fondata da due studenti turchi residenti a Parigi, Setrak Bakirel ed Erik Tekeli, ancora oggi parte della formazione che ha di recente pubblicato, sempre su AMS Records, l’album “Points of Libration” (2021, AMSLP164 / AMS326CD).
“Between Flesh and Divine” uscì nel 1980 ma non sembra per nulla risentire delle influenze già in voga all’epoca – new wave, punk, dance, musica elettronica – e anzi, come pochissimi altri LP di quello stesso periodo, tiene viva la fiamma di un sound, quello del ‘vero’ progressive rock dei primissimi anni ‘70, che col passare degli anni si era quasi spenta del tutto. L’amore degli Asia Minor nei confronti di King Crimson, Genesis e Camel si esprime ai massimi livelli tra i solchi di “Between Flesh…”, da molti definito un vero e proprio capolavoro alla luce di quanto detto e della forza evocativa di una musica fuori dal tempo, dove si ergono protagonisti il flauto di Erik Tekeli e le tastiere di Robert Kempler.
Un album da riscoprire, che purtroppo non ebbe dovuto riscontro all’epoca – la band si sciolse per riformarsi quasi quaranta anni dopo! – e che probabilmente manca ancora in molte discografie tra gli appassionati di prog-rock. Fondamentale.
Disponibile in vinile turchese 180gr. e in CD papersleeve con artwork esteso, arricchito da nuove illustrazioni realizzate per l’occasione da Anouch Bakirel. Audio rimasterizzato nel giugno 2021 presso i Labomatic Studios di Dominique Blanc-Francard.
Tracklist LP:
A1 Nightwind 6:26
A2 Northern Lights 7:46
A3 Boundless 3:11
B1 Dedicace 6:12
B2 Lost in a Dream Yell 7:41
B3 Dreadful Memories 2:51
Tracklist CD:
1 Nightwind 6:26
2 Northern Lights 7:46
3 Boundless 3:11
4 Dedicace 6:12
5 Lost in a Dream Yell 7:41
6 Dreadful Memories 2:51* * * ESCLUSIVE REMASTERED REISSUE OF A CULT RECORD! * * *
“Between Flesh and Divine” is the second album by Asia Minor, a cult band of the progressive rock scene founded by two Turkish students living in Paris, Setrak Bakirel and Erik Tekeli, who are still part today of the line-up that has recently released, yet on AMS Records, the album “Points of Libration” (2021, AMSLP164 / AMS326CD).
“Between Flesh and Divine” was released in 1980 but does not seem at all affected by all the music trends of that era – new wave, punk, dance, electronic music – and indeed, like very few other LP’s from the same period, it kept alive the flame of the ‘real’ progressive rock of the early ’70s sound, which had almost completely vanished year by year. Asia Minor’s love towards King Crimson, Genesis and Camel is manifested at the highest levels in the grooves of “Between Flesh…”, by many called a real masterpiece in the light of what has been said and the evocative force of a music out of time, where Erik Tekeli’s flute melodies and Robert Kempler’s keyboards stand out above all.
An album that still needs to be rediscovered, which unfortunately was basically ignored at the time of its release – the band disbanded to reform almost forty years later! – and that is probably still missing in many prog-rock fans’ music libraries. Essential.
Available as 180gr. turquoise vinyl and as papersleeve CD with extended artwork, enriched by new illustrations especially made for the occasion by Anouch Bakirel. Audio remastered in June 2021 at Dominique Blanc-Francard’s Labomatic Studios.
Tracklist LP:
A1 Nightwind 6:26
A2 Northern Lights 7:46
A3 Boundless 3:11
B1 Dedicace 6:12
B2 Lost in a Dream Yell 7:41
B3 Dreadful Memories 2:51
Tracklist CD:
1 Nightwind 6:26
2 Northern Lights 7:46
3 Boundless 3:11
4 Dedicace 6:12
5 Lost in a Dream Yell 7:41
6 Dreadful Memories 2:51